About Me
Once you need less, you will have more.
Hi, I'm a full-stack web developer located in Hong Kong focusing on simplicity and clean design. Simplicity will explain the true value of product.
I'm not an usual developer who only works on software development, but also an entrepreneur who maximize the value of products.
If you are eager to learn more about me and my projects. please feel free to buzz me on LinkedIn or grab me a coffee.😆
Halo,我係一個香港生活嘅 full-Stack web developer。同時間都係一個對做 products / applications / 創業有興趣嘅人。除咗作為一個 web developer 做唔同 projects 之外,我自己都有係 tech / non-tech 唔同方面做生意 / 創業。
我會係自己嘅空間入面分享一啲同 technology / product 有關嘅睇法,主要會有 2 個方面,一方面係 as 一個 product owner 嘅身分去講 product 有關嘅認知,另一方面係作為一個 developer 講解對 execution 上嘅知識。
香港其實都有好多好有實力嘅 IT developers 同 execution 嘅人,但係我最想嘅係可以推動 technical 嘅人去 involve 係各式各樣嘅 projects / startups 到,話比人聽其實香港嘅 IT 行業係一個確確實實嘅專業。